For most of the world, the year 1492 marks the anniversary of Christopher Columbus' voyage to America. Yet for Jews, the year 1492 is a year of…

Powerless in Toronto
It’s always important to remind ourselves to be thankful for those things we take for granted—like having electricity. As many of you…

The Catholic Church, Gay Rights and the Jewish Community
The mark of maturity is the ability to disagree with others respectfully; to be able to appreciate the integrity and sincerity of an argument even as…

The Hertz Chumash United Us
During shul this past week, I was reading the notes of the Hertz Chumash, as I often do. This likely puts me in small company as the Hertz Chumash…

The Unsinkable Ship: 100 Years After the Titanic Disaster
Despite the passage of 100 years, the sinking of the Titanic holds a special fascination. In fact, the only time I’ve gone out to the theatres to see…

No, Israel Isn’t Turning into an Iran-Style Theocracy (The New Republic)
Gil TroyThe demonizing of Israel, dismissing the democratic Jewish state as a right-wing, religious, racist project, continues. The latest…

Monday Morning Quarterback
Monday morning at 1:30AM here in Israel, I joined over one hundred million of my fellow earth dwellers to watch Superbowl XLVI. When halftime rolled…