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"Rabbi Elazar said, in the name of Rabbi Chaninah: Torah scholars increase peace in the world, as it says, 'and all your children shall be taught about the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children'" (Yevamot 122b). These…
We have previously referred to the special leniency that allows a woman to remarry on the testimony of one witness. This was a most revolutionary innovation, one that seemingly violates a fundamental precept of the Torah: the basic…
Back in the tenth chapter of Yevamot, we discussed the case of a woman who remarried on the basis of the testimony of one witness who declared that her husband had died. While she is allowed to do so--"because of agunah, the rabbis…
One of the basic tenets of our legal system is that those who are not of a sound mature mind are not to be held responsible for their actions. This idea is reflected in the many areas of Jewish law where a cheresh, generally…
"Talmud Torah kneged kulam" (Mishnah Peah 1:1). This teaching is generally understood to mean that the study of Torah is equal to all other mitzvoth combined. The reason this is so is because the study of Torah "leads to action…
One would not think that a discussion about the intricacies of the laws of chalitzah would lead to a discussion regarding Divine justice. But such is the nature of the Gemara, where one idea flows seamlessly to the next. Torah…
For those who do not live in Toronto--and perhaps for many who do--you may not be familiar with the Bata Shoe Museum. This unique museum is the place to go if you are interested in the history of shoes and their symbolism and status. To quote from…
In our last post, we discussed why Rav Yochanan was so angry when his student, Rav Elazar, repeated a teaching of his without attribution.
In unsuccessfully[1] trying to appease him, Rav Ami and Rav Asi warned of the danger of…
Perhaps the greatest fear of man is that he will be forgotten, that ultimately his life will be devoid of meaning. Even, perhaps especially, the most powerful harbour this fear, often going to heroic efforts to leave their permanent mark on history…
"Rav Elazar ben Yaakov said: I heard that the beit din may hit and punish not according to the [laws of the] Torah, not to violate the words of the Torah, but to make a fence around the Torah" (Yevamot 90b).
In our…