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One of the major benefits of studying Daf Yomi is that one is exposed to the entire breadth of the (Babylonian) Talmud, something one may not manage even after many years of yeshiva study. In most yeshivot, the focus is on in-depth analysis of the…
The life of Rebbe, Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi, marked a turning point in Jewish history. He was the one who, strange as it may sound, acted in defiance of Torah law and decided that the Oral Law was to be written down (Gittin 60b)--by its nature an…
It is a sad spectacle when people fight over a dead man's estate. What can make such disputes more intractable is that often, both sides have a legitimate claim to a given asset. People of goodwill know the importance of compromise…
No contract can cover all eventualities, and only through goodwill and compromise can disputes be avoided when the inevitable happens, and something arises that is not explicitly dealt with in the contract.
"One who marries a woman and agrees…
Many people, upon receiving notice of jury duty, try hard to avoid actually doing such. They have little time, interest, and often cannot afford the heavy financial price a long trial may entail--not to mention that often jurors are sequestered, cut…
One of the differences between the taxation policies of the United States and that of Canada is that in the United States a couple can choose to be taxed as a couple with (lower) tax rates based on the joint income of husband and wife. Those who…
The importance of informal education is today a given. A solid education requires both formal and informal learning and often it is the latter that has both the greater impact and garners the greater interest of many.
The importance of the…
Psychologists estimate that the pain of losing money is twice as great as the joy of making money (see here). It is for this reason that Jewish law says that a wealthy person who loses his money should, in theory[1], be given charity to the…
While it may sound unromantic, marriage partners are chosen, more often than we might like to admit, for socio-economic reasons. While this need not negate the love a couple has for each other, it is no coincidence that more often than not, the…
In our last post we discussed the challenge of balancing work and family obligations. The Mishnah that discusses the length of a "business trip" the husband may take also teaches, "the students may leave for the study of…