Rabbi Bar-on Dasberg is a teacher of gemara, tanach, Jewish philosophy, and halacha, and currently serves as a shaliach at CHAT. He is also the author of a weekly parshat ha'shavua column entitled, "Shabbat be'Shabbato." Rabbi Dasberg served as a military chaplain in the IDF and earned his MA in Jewish Education.
Speaker's Resources
אסתר צריכה עזרא, ועזרא צריך אסתר Esther tzricha Ezra v'Ezra tzarich Esther (The People and the Book 2013)
Rabbi Bar-on Dasberg
The People and the Book: 7th Annual Conference on Tanach
Dr. Ruth Walfish, Rabbanit Gilla Rosen, Rabbi Bar-on Dasberg, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Dr. Avraham Walfish, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara