Speaker Profile Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

Harav Mosheh Lichtenstein came on aliyah with his family in 1971 from New York. He studied at the Netiv Meir High School in Jerusalem, and thereafter spent a year studying with the Rav, zt"l. From 1979-1985, he did hesder at Yeshivat Har Etzion, serving in the Armored Corps. He received Semicha from the Rabbanut and a degree in English Literature from Hebrew University. Rav Mosheh has been a Ram in Yeshiva since 1992. While on sabbatical in Cleveland during the '97 and '98 academic years, Rav Mosheh served as Rosh Kollel of the Torat Tzion Kollel. He also taught at Bruria, an Advanced Program for Women in Jerusalem, from 1992-1997. Rav Mosheh authored Moses: Envoy of God, Envoy of His People, and Netivei Nevua, an analysis of the haftarot. At present, he serves as Shiur Heh Ram, is responsible for the yeshiva’s Kollel Gavoha, and is teaching an advanced Gemara BeIyun shiur at the Beit Midrash for Women Migdal Oz. Harav Mosheh was inaugurated as Rosh Yeshiva in Tishrei 5769, alongside his father Harav Aharon Lichtenstein, Harav Yaakov Medan and Harav Baruch Gigi. He is married to Dr. Michal Lichtenstein and has three daughters.

Speaker's Resources

A Conversation with Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein & Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein, Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

A Conversation with Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein & Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein, Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

A Conversation with Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein & Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein

Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein, Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein