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Our Sages were no respecters of persons. When they felt a wrong was committed, they called it out – be that person Noach, Avraham, Moshe or anyone else. They took little pleasure in pointing out the faults of others. Rather, understanding the Torah…
Brothers: Yaakov and Esav
Simi Peters
Wednesdays, October 18 to December 20 - 10:00 am Eastern, 5:00 pm Israel, November 1 - 4:00 pm Israel
The relationship between Yaakov and Esav has profound implications for Jewish history. This ten session…
Our Torah is a Torah of truth. As a description of G-d, with each mitzvah representing a different aspect of the Divine, it can be no other way. Lying is no less than a distortion of G-d Himself. While we can get as close as we want to pork, (…
When discussing the themes of Sefer Beresheit one would not necessarily place food high on the list. Yet it could be argued that many of the major transition points in the book occur around food. Our expulsion from gan eden was…
"When Eisav heard his father’s words he let out a most loud and bitter scream" (27:34). Our Sages sensitive to even minor failings of our Biblical heroes, coupled with their keen textual analysis saw a parallel between this verse and…