Rabbanit Michelle Cohen Farber is the founder of Hadran: Advancing Talmud Study for Women and Daf Yomi for Women, the first woman's podcast on the daf yomi. Michelle spearheaded the first international Siyum HaShas for women, which took place in January. Michelle studied Talmud at Bar Ilan and in Midreshet Lindenbaum's scholar's program. She has taught Gemara and Halacha in Pelech Jerusalem, Midreshet Lindenbaum and Matan HaSharon. Michelle and her husband, Seth, founded and lead Kehillat Netivot in Ra'anana where they live with their five children.
Speaker's Resources
The Importance of Community: Laws of Zimmun in Berakhot Daf 50 and Reflections on the Siyum HaShas for Women
Michelle Cohen Farber