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Four, seven, ten, eighteen, forty, seventy, for Jews around the world have an immediate and reflective association(s). The four questions, seven days of the week, the "10 commandments”, 18 symbolizing life, 40 days Moshe spent on Mount…
Yechezkel’s Dry Bones and Yirmiyahu’s New Covenant: Modern Messages of Independence
Participants should have the texts of Yechezkel 37 and Yirmiyahu 31.
A few years ago while on a visit to Israel, my good friend Michael Levenstein z”l, in whose memory this devar Torah is dedicated, was giving my wife and me a lift back to our hotel. While we were stuck in a traffic jam in Jerusalem, Michael, noting…
קדושת הארץ, לקראת שנת שמיטה
In honour of Yom Haatzmaut, this class in Hebrew will explore the Kedusha of the Land of Israel and how that connects with the upcoming Shmittah Year.
“Shimon ben Azzai said: I have received a tradition from the seventy-two elders on the day when they appointed Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah head of the academy, that all sacrifices which are eaten, though slaughtered shelo lishma,…
The period of sefirat haomer has undergone great transformation over the ages. In the Torah itself, it links the korban haomer brought on the second day of Pesach with the korban shtei halechem brought on Shavuot, …