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As I noted in my last post I had the honour of speaking at the Beit Yehudah synagogue in Budapest last shabbat. Below is a summary of my words. As this week is parshat Balak I have incorporated an idea from this week's parsha.
The transition point from the generation that left Egypt to the one that entered the Land of Israel is never mentioned in the Torah. The Torah does not tell us that the death of Miriam was in year 40, and there is nothing in the text that would…
Tzizit and Mezuzah are two of the most popular and easy to fulfil mitzvot. Thankfully, even Jews who are very far removed from traditional practice tend to have a 'mezuzah' (whether it is kosher or not is a different story) on their…
“Moshe said to his father-in-law, ‘We are now on our way to the place that G-d promised to us. Come with us and we will let you share the benefit of all good things that G-d has promised Israel’" (Bamidbar 10:29).
After spending close to a year at…
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