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Debates between Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai are the bread and butter of Mishnaic discourse. There are some 316 debates recorded between these great schools of learning, covering every facet of Jewish life. These debates are between…
It is on Sukkot that we read sefer Kohelet. A devar Torah on masechet Beitza is not the place to discuss the reason for this custom. However, as I was writing these words, one verse kept popping into my mind: "There is nothing new under…
The State of California today is voting on whether to recall and remove its governor from office. This recall will be successful even if only 50% plus one vote to remove him, thereby reversing the will of the 62% who elected him.
As most investors know, there is little that rattles the markets more than uncertainty. Fluctuations of the market are primarily based on future expectations. As investor advisors often note, “past performance doesn’t predict future…
In our last post, we noted the principle milta d’lo schicha lo gazru ba rabbanan, that our Sages do not enact protective measures for rare events, a legal principle that appears some ten times in the Talmud. In the…
One of the manifold changes of modernity is manifest in the modern methods of food preparation. No longer must one literally spend pretty much the entire day in the kitchen in order to eat well. Speciality cookbooks – I imagine another symbol of…
In Talmudic times, animals were generally slaughtered only when there was a known buyer ready to eat from the animal before him. Lacking methods of preservation, there was great financial risk in having beautiful displays of meat in a take-out…
Shabbat and Yom Tov are gifts to the Jewish people, and the Jewish people only. As such, we are permitted to benefit from work by a non-Jew on these days--provided the non-Jew is doing such work for his own benefit (Shabbat 122b). It is for this…
There is arguably no greater figure in Talmudic literature than that of Hillel the Elder. He combined the Torah leadership of Moshe Rabbeinu[1] with Aharon's peace-making and love for all. It is not by chance the Talmud teaches that if not for…
Often, when studying Gemara, we fail to appreciate how different day-to-day life was for our ancestors. Yeshiva study tends to focus on conceptual analysis of the legal sections of the Talmud. Even in the academic world—where there is an…