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After 90 double-sided pages, Masechet Gittin is coming to a close. We have discussed in great detail the intricacies of the laws of Gittin; how to write them, how to deliver them, how to sign them, what to say in them. We have even…
We as a society identify people by their last name (or sadly, even if understandably, by a number). Such was not always the case. When life was simpler and populations smaller people were on a first name basis something that today would…
There are certain rabbinic debates where one can only say thank G-d that we do not follow a certain view. Such would be the case in the debate regarding the definition of a mamzer. Halacha has accepted the view that in order to be declared a…
As a teacher one of my favorite parts of my work is parent teacher meetings. I (usually) find it most interesting talking to parents in general and hearing the comments their children have told them in particular. Yet one of the most frustrating…
"These are the things that are said mipnei darchei shalom." (Gittin 59) After listing a series of rabbinic enactments mipnei tikkun olam,for the betterment of the world, the Mishna lists a series of laws instituted …
Perhaps the most famous Talmudic story is that of the convert who wants to learn the entire Torah while standing on one foot. For good reason Shammai threw him out of his home yet Hillel famously responded "what is hateful to you do…
“Vekatav lah sefer krietoot”, and he shall write for her a book of separation (Devarim 25:1). A get must be in writing. This is in contradistinction to a wedding in where an oral declaration accompanied by a gift…
In the first row of the remarkably preserved Jewish cemetery in Worms (one we will please G-d visit on this summer's Journey through Jewish History) one will see gravesite of the Rav Meir the son of Baruch, the Maharam of…
One of the marks of a great person is the ability to change one’s mind. While such may end the career of a politician[1] it demonstrates intellectual maturity. The willingness to integrate new material and ideas into our worldview brings…
One of the most famous rabbinic enactments is that of the pruzbul, enacted by the great sage Hillel, which allowed a loan to be collected even after the sabbatical year. The pruzbul is often touted as an example of the…