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One of the primary messages of masechet Nedarim is how negatively [most of] our Sages viewed the taking of vows. More often than not a vow reflected weakness of character and/or was taken in a moment of anger. The idea that one prohibits another…
Just this past Shabbat, we read of the mitzvah of tzedakah. The Torah describes the case where the poor are our neighbours, and we must open our hearts and hands to them. In the time of the Bible, international communication was non-…
Adam and Cain, Noah and Cham, Abraham and Yishmael, Yitzchak and Eisav. Our children do not always turn out as we would like. Even children who are great in their own right often chart their own paths, differing from even the greatest of…
Everybody loves a good story. And what one cannot accomplish through direct teaching, one can often accomplish through a story. Yet it is understandably rare to find stories in a code of law, and with the Mishnah being the first code of Jewish law…
In our past couple of posts (here and here), we have discussed the notion of a petach, an opening to allow one to annul a vow. The operating premise is that the vow was valid; however, upon being made aware of an aspect that…
"One may use as an opening [to annul a vow] one's own honour or the honour of one's children" (Nedarim 66a). Our relationship towards our parents is different, often much different, than that which we have towards…
"If only I would have known.." After many pages delineating the parameters of various vows the Talmud discusses when and how one may annul a vow. "Heter nedarim porchin b'aveer, the annulments of vows are…
It is always fascinating how a most technical, even obscure, discussion can reveal and lead to a discussion on fundamental concepts of Judaism revealing much about our Sages and life in general.
One such example is a discussion relating to…
It is not uncommon for someone to lose their job due to something stupid they do at an office party. People are much more apt to let their guard down at parties, something that can come back to haunt them. Yet even before one gets to the party…
Sadly, some people need stimulants--be they (legal) alcohol or (illegal) drugs--to stimulate themselves and put themselves in a good mood. Others, however, can get "high" naturally, something that often surprises those in the former camp…