The Deep Backstories of Megillat Esther (Part 2)
This week's topic: And He Cried a Great, Bitter Cry: Eisav in Megillat Esther
Source Material
And He Cried a Great, Bitter Cry: Eisav in Megillat Esther (PDF)
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Meet the speaker

Tamar Weissman
Tamar Weissman is a tour guide and lecturer in Tanach and Eretz Israel studies. Her first book, Tribal Lands: The Twelve Tribes of Israel in their Ancestral Territories, explores the personalities of the shevatim and why each was granted his specific nahalah. She has just finished her second book "The Bible's Wild Child," on midrashic patterns in the Book of Shoftim. Tamar and her family practice sustainable agriculture on their farm in the Galil. Follow her adventures on Instagram @weissmanfarm or Facebook @משק וייסמן