e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Chanukah Yom Iyyun
Join us for a day of information, inspiration and illumination
9:15am to 2:30pm Eastern, 4:15pm to 9:30pm Israel time
9:15 am
“Mehadrin” in the Hanukkah candles: Text, Halakha, and History
Dr. Aaron Koller
Sponsored by Sandy Welkes in memory of her husband, Gronin Zvi Ben Shmuel Elyakim on the 10th yarzeit on the first day of Chanukah.
9:45 am
The Hanukkah Menorah: The Curious History of a Jewish Ritual Object
Professor Steven Fine
10:15 am
The Making of a Modern Maccabee
Yael Leibowitz
Sponsored by Dassie Baum and Avi Lev in honor of the Maccabees of today, the IDF
10:45 am
How Many Chanukah Lights? The Development of Halakhic Practice in Light of Talmudic Interpretation, Science, Technology, and Society
Rabbi Dr. Benjamin J. Samuels
11:15 am
The Torah Reading for Chanuka - Why the Repetition?
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Coffee, Sufganiyot and Latkes
12:00 pm
Antiochus Epiphanes: From 1 Maccabees to Yishayahu and Haazinu
Professor Daniel R. Schwartz
12:30 pm
The Hanukkah story of "Chana” and her seven sons
Dr. Martin Lockshin
1:00 pm
Chanukah the Eternal Light
Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky
Chanuka: What Exactly are We Dedicating?
Rabbanit Dr. Adina Sternberg
Mizmor Shir Chanukat Hayit LeDavid: In Those Days and Today
Dr. Beni Gesundheit