e-TiM: Online Program
e-TIM: Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-Life Care
Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-Life Care
Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Brody
Wednesday, October 25 - November 15
2:15pm Eastern, 9:15pm in Israel, 8:15pm in Israel on November 1
The course will seek to present major principles in Jewish medical ethics by discussing case examples of common situations. Particular focus will be paid to questions relating to end-of-life care.
Wednesday October 25: Should We Pray for the Terminally Ill to Die? Halakhic Perspectives on "Quality of Life"
Wednesday, November 1: Dilemmas of Dementia: Mitzvot Observance, Caregiving, and End-of-Life Interventions
Wednesday, November 8: Time of Death and Organ Donation: New Technologies and Ethical Dilemmas
Wednesday, November 15: Personal Conscience and End-of-Life Care: What Should Family Members and Healthcare Providers Do When Decisions Are Made Against Halakha?