e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible

This will be a fifteen-part series taking place at 11:00am Eastern/ 6:00pm in Israel


Part 1: Sunday, May 30

An Introduction to Sefer Devarim: The Most Important - Yet Misunderstood - Book of the Bible.   

 Part 2: Sunday, June 6

The 'Sin of the Spies' - Why the Account in Devarim is Different.

Part 3: Sunday, June 13

How and Why Sefer Devarim 'Belongs' in Sefer Shmot.

     Sponsored by Johanna Bromberg and Naomi Bar-Yam in memory of their husband and father,

     Rabbi Kenneth Bromberg, רב יקותיאל בן אפרים ומכלא באשע

     Devarim was his favorite book

 Part 4: Sunday, June 20

The 'Main Speech' - in the Shadow of the 'Ten Commandments'.

Part 5: Sunday, June 27

Breaking the Tablets in Sefer Devarim - and an Amazing Rashbam.

     Sponsored by Danielle and Akiva Bloom in observance of the yahrtzeit of Danielle's father,
     Rabbi Theodore Brodie, Tuvia ben Binyamin z"l.  

Part 6: Sunday, July 4

Whose Idea was it to Appoint Judges? - Yitro or Moshe?

Sunday, July 11: Medical Conference

Sunday, July 18: The Torah reading for Tisha b’Av  [Devarim chapter 4]

Part 7: Sunday, July 25

The Meaning of Reciting "Kriyat Shema" - in Light of Sefer Devarim.

Part 8: Sunday, August 1

Why the Mishkan is 'Missing' in Sefer Devarim.

Part 9: Sunday, August 8

'Legislation for a Nation' - What Makes the Laws of Sefer Devarim Unique. 

Part 10: Sunday, August 15

Why the 'Levites' are Called 'Priests' in Sefer Devarim.

Part 11: Sunday, August 22

The Meaning of the Word "Torah" in the Torah vs. Devarim.

Part 12: Sunday, August 29

What is "Brit Nitzavim" - and Why Now in Year 40!

Part 13: Sunday, September 5

The Concepts of "Malchiot" and "Zichronot" in Light of Sefer Devarim.

Part 14: Sunday, September 12

Shirat Haazinu and its Concept of "Teshuva".

Part 15: Sunday September 19

Re-examining Succot - in Light of Devarim Chapter 8.


Parsha podcast

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Class Audio

Class Video

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 1)

May 26, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 2)

June 6, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 3)

June 14, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 4)

June 20, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 5)

June 27, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 6)

July 4, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 7)

July 25, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 8)

August 1, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 9)

August 8, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 10)

August 15, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 11)

August 22, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 12)

August 29, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 13)

September 5, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 14)

September 12, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 15)

September 19, 2021

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Source Material

Meet the speaker

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, an internationally acclaimed bible scholar and pioneer of Jewish Education on the internet, is well known in the Jewish community for his essays on the weekly Bible portion.  His vibrant thematic-analytical approach blends the methods of modern academic scholarship with traditional Jewish approaches to the Biblical text. He is best known for his ability to teach students how to study rather than simply read Biblical passages. As his essays focus on meta-themes in the Bible, his readership

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag bio & resources