e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible
This will be a fifteen-part series taking place at 11:00am Eastern/ 6:00pm in Israel
Part 1: Sunday, May 30
An Introduction to Sefer Devarim: The Most Important - Yet Misunderstood - Book of the Bible.
Part 2: Sunday, June 6
The 'Sin of the Spies' - Why the Account in Devarim is Different.
Part 3: Sunday, June 13
How and Why Sefer Devarim 'Belongs' in Sefer Shmot.
Sponsored by Johanna Bromberg and Naomi Bar-Yam in memory of their husband and father,
Rabbi Kenneth Bromberg, רב יקותיאל בן אפרים ומכלא באשע
Devarim was his favorite book
Part 4: Sunday, June 20
The 'Main Speech' - in the Shadow of the 'Ten Commandments'.
Part 5: Sunday, June 27
Breaking the Tablets in Sefer Devarim - and an Amazing Rashbam.
Sponsored by Danielle and Akiva Bloom in observance of the yahrtzeit of Danielle's father,
Rabbi Theodore Brodie, Tuvia ben Binyamin z"l.
Part 6: Sunday, July 4
Whose Idea was it to Appoint Judges? - Yitro or Moshe?
Sunday, July 11: Medical Conference
Sunday, July 18: The Torah reading for Tisha b’Av [Devarim chapter 4]
Part 7: Sunday, July 25
The Meaning of Reciting "Kriyat Shema" - in Light of Sefer Devarim.
Part 8: Sunday, August 1
Why the Mishkan is 'Missing' in Sefer Devarim.
Part 9: Sunday, August 8
'Legislation for a Nation' - What Makes the Laws of Sefer Devarim Unique.
Part 10: Sunday, August 15
Why the 'Levites' are Called 'Priests' in Sefer Devarim.
Part 11: Sunday, August 22
The Meaning of the Word "Torah" in the Torah vs. Devarim.
Part 12: Sunday, August 29
What is "Brit Nitzavim" - and Why Now in Year 40!
Part 13: Sunday, September 5
The Concepts of "Malchiot" and "Zichronot" in Light of Sefer Devarim.
Part 14: Sunday, September 12
Shirat Haazinu and its Concept of "Teshuva".
Part 15: Sunday September 19
Re-examining Succot - in Light of Devarim Chapter 8.