e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Various Approaches of Religious Zionism
There is a common tendency to see Religious-Zionism consisting of Zionists who also happen to be religious. This simplistic, hyphenated view, unfortunately doesn't do justice to the beautiful and deep complexities of the intellectual, historic & emotional depth of this ideology, which sees the Land & State of Israel as much more than a safe-haven for those seeking refuge from anti-Semitism. Hebrew, not just as a necessary uniting language, Yom HaAtzma'ut not just an alternative 4th of July , and Jerusalem, not just a national capitol. The series will examine the major principles of Religious Zionism and compare various approaches of some of the leading Religious Zionist thinkers to these crucial issues.
April 12 to May 31, no class May 17th (Shavuot)
April 12
Yom HaAtzma'ut- What are We Really Celebrating?
Seven Perspectives on the Religious View of a Non-Religious State of Israel
April 19
The Tanach Addresses Religious Zionists
April 26
Eight Approaches Towards the Specialness of the Land of Israel
May 3
Hebrew: Not Just Another Language
May 10 (Yom Yerushalayim)
Jerusalem Suggests: Changing Our Name to Religious-Zionist-Humanist
May 16/17 Shavuot -no class
May 24
Will There Be Future? Animal Sacrifices in the Comparative Writings of Rabbinic Religious Zionist Thinkers
May 31
Could Zionism Be Another False Messiah?
Between Rav Kook, Rav Soloveichik & Rav Reines