Live Programs
Scholar in Residence: Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Please join us for a weekend of learning with
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Sunday October 7, 2018, Or Chaim Minyan, 159 Almore Ave.
9:30- 11:30 am
How the Chumash Explains the Siddur
$10 in advance, $15 at the door. Register here
Students and TiMPass holders no charge
Shabbat October 6, 2018
7:45 am: (Shacharit at 8:30am)
Parshanim on the Parsha: Why Tehillim and Nevi’im Are the Earliest Parshanim
Devar Torah before laining:
Seven Minutes About the Number Seven
After Kiddush: (approx 11:15 am)
The Biblical Theme of "Tzelem Elokim”: From Anthropology to Theology
5:15 pm (Mincha at 6:20pm)
The Flood Story: Polemic—or Platform? From Noach to Avraham to Moshe Rabeinu
Seudat Shlesheet:
Yeshivat Shem v'Ever—Really? The Peshat Behind the Drash
All shiurim take place at the Or Chaim Minyan, 159 Almore Ave, Toronto