Live Programs
Scholars in Residence: Dr. Zev Eleff, Dr. Leslie Klein, Dr. Marc Shapiro
We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff, Dr. Leslie Klein and Dr. Marc Shapiro March 29-31.
Please join us for the many learning oppurtunites over Shabbat and Sunday.
At Clanton Park Synagogue
Shabbat morning derasha
Rav Kook As A Guide for Our Times
Dr. Marc Shapiro
6:15 pm (Mincha, 7:15pm)
Before There Was Dear Abby There Was Dear Abraham: Solving the Problems of the Jewish Immigrant Generation
Dr. Leslie Klein
Seudat Shlisheet
The Four Sons: From Ancient Times to North American Climes
Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
At Or Chaim Minyan
Friday March 29, 6:30 pm. (Mincha at 7:00pm)
Some Common Davening Mistakes
Sushi will be served
Dr. Marc Shapiro
Shabbat March 30
7:55 am (Shacharit at 8:45 am)
Torah, Technology and the Transformed Beit Midrash: A Historical View
Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
Devar Torah
Nadav, Avihu and the Challenge of Youth in Postwar Orthodox Judaism
Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
After kiddush (Approx 11:15)
Tradition and Innovative Change: Sarah Schenirer’s Life and Legacy
Dr. Leslie Klein
Rambam and Superstition
Dr. Marc Shapiro
6:15pm (Mincha at 7:10pm)
Non-Jewish Wisdom and the Rabbinic Mind
Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
Raising Expectations and Lowering Hemlines: The Revolutionary Shift in North American Girls’ Education
Dr. Leslie Klein