Pesach | Torah In Motion

Articles Pesach

Pesach: A Second Chance

Jewish life is all too often rather chaotic. Yet Pesach and Yom Kippur, the two central holidays of the year[1] teach the importance of …

Pesach: What Should We Read

It is hard to argue that there is a more impactful and important rabbinic decree than that of kriat haTorah, the weekly public reading of the…

Pesach: Why Eat Matza

“Rabban Gamliel would say: Anyone who does not say these three things on Pesaḥ has not fulfilled his obligation, and these are they: [the korban…

Pesach: The Forest and the Trees

A legal system by its very nature is detail oriented. While laws represent the values of any given society, a law once established takes on an…

Pesach: A Trial Run

“Go out and learn what Lavan the Aramean sought to do to Yaakov, our father. Pharaoh only decreed on the males but Lavan sought to uproot everything…

Pesach: Time is Relative

“Could it be from Rosh Chodesh?” the authors of the Hagadah ask, raising the possibility that one might celebrate the Pesach[1] and tell the…

Pesach: Egyptian Economic Activity

Moshe Rabbeinu was our teacher par excellence. As a great pedagogue, he understood the importance of teaching subject material in a timely manner. “…

Pesach: Don't Forget Yosef

The eating of karpas has long baffled our commentators. Why exactly do we dip a vegetable in salt water just as we are ready to begin the…

Parshat Hachodesh: Timing is Everything

“In the first month of the second year on the first of the month, the Tabernacle was erected” (Shemot 40:2). Sefer Shemot concludes with…

Pesach: Good and Comfortable

Seemingly, one of the more depressing debates in rabbinic literature is one that the houses of Hillel and Shammai argued about for two-and-half years…

Pesach: The Simple Wise Son

Much ink has been spilled and much discussion ensued in trying to analyze the difference between the question of the chacham and the rasha. On the…

Last Day(s) of Pesach: Reach for the Top

As we all know too well, there is often a gap between the ideal and reality. In trying to implement our goals, we all too often fall prey to conflict…

Pesach: Have You Left Egypt?

“In each and every generation, one must see oneself as if they had left Egypt”.  In Judaism, we not only commemorate the past, we…

Pesach: Preparing to Eat

Twice a year, on Yom Kippur and at the Pesach seder, we conclude with the prayer L’shanna haba’ah b’Yerushalayim. It is…

Pesach: Hope for the Best

Pesach is the Jewish holiday of hope. It marks the beginning of the Jewish (lunar) year – and new years are always times of hope. It is …

Pesach: Now that is Slavery!

Our images of Egyptian slavery are those of forced labor and murder by a ruthless tyrant and his many followers. Despite Joseph literally saving…

Pesach: A Seder in Sedom

"He made a feast for them and baked matzah and they ate" (Breisheet 19:3). The "angels" had come to Sedom to rescue Lot from…

Pesach: Old Questions, New Answers

“Chanoch lena’ar al pi darcho, train each child according to their way” (Mishlei). It is at the Seder that we analyze the questions of the “four…