Holiday Thoughts | Torah In Motion

Articles Holiday Thoughts

The Nine Days: Aharon's Yahrzeit

“Aharon the priest ascended Hor Hahar and died there in the fortieth year... in the fifth month on the first of the month” (Bamidbar 33:…

Shavuot: An Evolving Torah

“Rav Yossi said: It would have been appropriate had the Torah been given through Ezra, but Moshe preceded him… and even though the Torah…

Yom Yerushalayim: Natural and Supernatural

The Jewish nation waited for close to 1,900 years to regain sovereignty over G-d’s chosen land. It took an additional 19 years until…

Yom Haatzmaut: Thoughts at Seventy-two

“Shimon ben Azzai said: I have received a tradition from the seventy-two elders on the day when they appointed Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah…

Pesach: Good and Comfortable

Seemingly, one of the more depressing debates in rabbinic literature is one that the houses of Hillel and Shammai argued about for two-and-half years…

Pesach: The Simple Wise Son

Much ink has been spilled and much discussion ensued in trying to analyze the difference between the question of the chacham and the rasha. On the…

Purim: Time for a Change

Purim marks a transition point in Jewish history. It ushers in the time period of hester panim, the transition from G-d's obvious and active…

Chanukah: Timing the Market

Before there were clocks and standard time, time was determined in relation to the position of the sun—hence, the importance of the sundial. As…

Chanukah: An Eternal Message

One of the painful realties of Jewish life is that the Jewish people are often judged by a double standard. What in other cultures is done with…

Shmini Atzeret: Election Day

Tomorrow is Shmini Atzeret. It is also Election Day in Canada. While that is no doubt unfortunate for (observant) Jews, these days, Election Day is a…

Shabbat Chol Hamoed: Opposites Attract

Sukkot is a holiday full of contradictions. At the time we celebrate our harvest, we are bidden to leave the comfort of our home and expose ourselves…

Yom Kippur: The Day After

“It was on the next day…” (Shemot 18:13). Apparently, something of significance had happened on the previous day, yet the Torah makes no mention of…

Yom Kippur: A Great Day!

Our society worships greatness. Whether it be athletes, rock stars, actors or successful business leaders, they are showered with wealth and…

Aseret Yemi Teshuva: I Confess

Integral to the teshuva process is the act of vidui, confession. One can intellectually know one has done something wrong; one can even feel…

Rosh Hashanah: Early, Late or Just Right

"And on the seventh month on the first day of the month, it shall be a day of rest. It is a sacred day for remembrance and blowing" (Vayikra 23:24).…

Tu BAv: Coming Together

One of the lessons Nehama Leibowitz, z”l, drilled into us during the time I was fortunate to study with her was that if Rashi has two…

Shavuot: A Forced Torah?

Our attitude towards Torah is a most fickle one. On the one hand, the Jewish people demonstrated great faith in following Moshe into a barren…

Yom Haatzmaut: Thoughts at Seventy-One

The period of sefirat haomer has undergone great transformation over the ages. In the Torah itself, it links the korban haomer …