Many a great and historic event took place on a mountain. Noach’s ark rested on Mount Arrarat…

Some Thoughts on the Coronation of King Charles lll
Pomp and ceremony are very Jewish ideas. While this may come as a surprise to many, the Torah…

Emor: The Setting Sun
The major theme of sefer Vayikra is, arguably, that of tumah and taharah, purity and impurity. When…

Kedoshim: It's All About Man
“The majority of the essence of the Torah is dependant upon it”. So asserts Rashi as he begins his…

Tazria: Less Money, More Time
There is no aspect of our life that is beyond the purview of Torah. People need its rules and…

Shmini: Comforting Cousins
At times of crisis, true leaders often emerge, be they political, military or religious. Their…

Pesach: The Forest and the Trees
A legal system by its very nature is detail oriented. While laws represent the values of any given…

Pesach: A Trial Run
“Go out and learn what Lavan the Aramean sought to do to Yaakov, our father. Pharaoh only decreed…

Tzav: City of Peace
“Do not eat any blood…any person who eats blood shall have his soul cut off from his people” (…

Vayikra: I Made A Mistake
One of the tragedies of the human condition is the inability to admit our mistakes. Even when faced…

Vayakhel-Pekudei: What's In a Name?
"Moshe said to the Jewish people: See that G-d called in the name of Bezalel, the son of Uri, the…

Ki Tisa: No Dancing Allowed
Why did Moshe break the luchot habreet, the tablets of testimony, that were written by G…

Purim - We are One
One of the (many) strange features of Purim is the fact that we do not recite Hallel. “The Prophets…

Tezaveh: Consistency and Excitement
For many, when the Torah reading reaches the parshiot of Terumah and Tezaveh interest in…

Terumah: A Giving Heart
In his introduction to Pirkei Avot, the Rambam distinguishes between those mitzvot which we are to…

Running for Mayor: A Sad State of Affairs
Like many Torontonians, I was shocked and saddened to hear that our mayor, John Tory was resigning…

Yitro: Justice and Judges
Famine, exile, dissent, descent, slavery, persecution, death and at last redemption. The Jewish…

Beshalach: A Proper Education
The story of the attack by Amalek upon the newly freed slaves from Egypt appears twice in the Torah…