e-TiM: Online Program
e-TiM: Eliyahu: Prophet of Fire
This ten-part series will take place Tuesdays at 1:00pm Eastern (8:00pm in Israel) from January 18 to to March 29 (no class February 1)
Eliyahu Hanavi... Hatishbi ... The herald of the Messiah, who visits our Seder table, who graces every Bris ceremony. But his image in Tanakh is quite different.
We will study the Elijah chapters in Kings (Sefer Melakhim) studying Elijah's epic struggle against the great king Ahab and Jezebel, his evil wife. It is here that fire and zeal, power and politics, prophecy and profanity, morality, idolatry and the truth of God will all meet in a struggle for supremacy, in one of the Tanakh's most dramatic stories.