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Sunday, June 25, 2017:
Zichron Yisroel Congregation of Associated Hebrew Schools, 300 Atkinson Avenue, Thornhill
9:30 am: The Evolving Role of the Rabbinate Through the Generations
Dr. Tova Ganzel is the Director of the Midrasha in…
From the 15th Annual Renewing Our Spirit Conference. This annual gathering features fascinating lectures and hard-hitting, provocative panel discussions with some of the finest scholars in the Jewish world today.
Join us for a Carelbach Kumzitz with musician Rabbi Aharon Adler Saturday night December 19, 7:30 pm Or Chaim Yeshiva, 159 Almore Ave Scholar in Residence Shabbat December 18-19 Or Chaim Minyan, 159 Almore Ave. Rabbi Ahron Adler Shabbat morning…