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J.J. and Dr. Ruth Wisse unpack the world or modern Yiddish literature from its beginnings with Rav Nachman of Breslov through Chaim Grade and the contemporary state of Yiddish studies.
Ruth R. Wisse is professor emerita of Yiddish literature and…
J.J. and Dr. Shaye Cohen go deep into the world of the mishnah and try to mark the boundaries between the world of the mishnah and the world of history.
Shaye J. D. Cohen is the Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy in the…
In this episode J.J. and Peter Cole discuss Jewish poetry, aesthetics, and why Samuel ibn Naghrillah would probably make an excellent rapper.
Born in Paterson, New Jersey, in 1957, Peter Cole is the author of six books of poems—most recently…
In this episode J.J. and Dr. Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg try to figure out what exactly we mean when we say "the Early Modern Period", also legal codes, and the scientific revolution.
Tamara Morsel-Eisenberg is Assistant Professor of Jewish History.…
In this episode J.J. and Dr. Simkovich dig into the differences between the Pharisees and the Saducees, and air some more second temple laundry.
Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich is the Crown-Ryan Chair of Jewish Studies and the director of the Catholic-…
In this episode J.J. and Dr. Derek Penslar get into the evolution of Zionism, and the ideas (or lack of ideas) of Theodore Herzl.
Derek Penslar is the William Lee Frost Professor of Jewish History. He takes a comparative and transnational approach…
A Synagogue Revolution? The Impact of "Independence" on American Judaism
Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
Tuesday, July 4 - 10:00am Eastern, 5:00pm Israel
The American Revolution had a far reaching impact. It impacted economics, social status, and culture. It…
In this episode J.J. and Dr. Miriam Goldstein dig into the ideas the animated the Rabbis (and Karaites) of the early Islamic period.
Miriam Goldstein is a professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Hebrew University of…