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Pesach is the Jewish holiday of hope. It marks the beginning of the Jewish (lunar) year – and new years are always times of hope. It is celebrated in the spring, the wonderful season of hope and renewal. We read Shir HaShirim, the Song of Songs…
Our images of Egyptian slavery are those of forced labor and murder by a ruthless tyrant and his many followers. Despite Joseph literally saving Egypt from ruin, "a new king arose who knew not Joseph" (Shemot 1:8). Taxation, hard labor, loss of…
"He made a feast for them and baked matzah and they ate" (Breisheet 19:3). The "angels" had come to Sedom to rescue Lot from the destruction that awaited the metropolis of Sedom-Amorah. Rashi, commenting on…
Join us as the Or Chaim Minyan and Shaarei Shomayim Congregation welcome another distinguished Scholar in Residence for Shabbat! Rabbi Zvi Grumet is a master teacher, creative educational thinker, and innovative Tanakh scholar whose teaching…
“Chanoch lena’ar al pi darcho, train each child according to their way” (Mishlei).
It is at the Seder that we analyze the questions of the “four children”, but their message is relevant all year round. One approach does not fit all, nor is any…
The Seder night brings together Jews from all orientations and perspectives. The future redemption of the Jewish people, a theme which is central to the seder, is dependant on different types of Jews learning how to respect each other even as we may…
Historians and sociologists have long debated whether it is historical trends that determine the course of events, the historical personalities being of little significance, or whether it is people of great stature who shape the course of history…
There is something most beautiful about a holiday that celebrates our past being focused on future, on our children. Pesach marks the founding of our people, and it is the story of our past that we retell at our seder. “We begin with shame and end…