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As the financial markets continue on their wild rides analysts form all walks of life continue debating the causes which led to the meltdown hoping to be able to prevent the next one. Sub prime mortgages, lack of regulation, regulation forcing banks…
“Whomever has a hundred desires two hundred” our Sages declare with their keen insight into human nature. Tragically we are witness to those who have a million yet are not satisfied until they have tens of millions at which point they are not…
Tragically natural disasters are a relatively common occurrence. The scene is familiar – pictures of destruction and death, with pale looking survivors searching eagerly for help. Calls go out for money to help rebuild lives and property. The…
With the United States and possibly the world economy teetering on the brink of recession, central bankers around the world have been feverishly trying to ensure that credit will remain readily available. Thus the continuing lowering of interest…