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Parents and educators alike want to know how to help children who have fallen "off the derech," and how to teach them Torah values in a world in which a million exciting options compete for their hearts and minds. Torah in Motion is presenting a two…
Rabbi Chaim Brovender will speak at Yeshivat Or Chaim this Motzai Shabbat, January 12, at 7:45 pm. His topic is Chassidic Insights into Tefillah. There will be no charge, and all are welcome. For more information, see Live Programs.
Torah in Motion will be "in motion" this summer, and our trips are filling up fast. Don't miss out on your chance to visit Europe, Italy, or Africa with scholars in residence to give you the Jewish historical perspective that the other trips miss!…
Following the birth and brit milah of Rabbi Natan Slifkin's new son, his online lecture series on Science and Rationalism will resume on Sunday, December 23, at 10:15 am EST. For more information, see http://www.torahinmotion.org/programs/…
Dr. Ari Sacher, noted Israeli rocket scientist, will be speaking at Congregation Shaarei Shomayim at 8 pm on December 22, 2012. For more information, see http://www.torahinmotion.org/programs/live_program/5524.
Dr. Marc Shapiro presents Part Five of his six-part online series, covering the history and thought of Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin. For more information, see http://www.torahinmotion.org/programs/online_program/5433.
Rabbi Natan Slifkin, the "Zoo Rabbi," will continue his online series on Science and Rationalism on December 9 at 10:15 am. For more information, see http://www.torahinmotion.org/programs/online_program/5437.