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There is a common tendency to see Religious-Zionism consisting of Zionists who also happen to be religious. This simplistic, hyphenated view, unfortunately doesn't do justice to the beautiful and deep complexities of the intellectual, historic…
Feb. 11, 1:00 pm:
A Post Temple Life: Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, Rabban Gamliel and Yavne
Feb. 18, 1:00 pm:
Winds of War: Rabbi Akiva and the Bar Kokhba Revolt
Feb 25:
Purim: No Class
Mar. 4, 1:00 pm:
The Survivors Rebuild: Rabbi…
Monday, October 19
Pre-Enlightenment Sephardi approaches to Hashkafa and Halakha
Monday, October 26
Post-Enlightenment Sephardi approaches to Hashkafa and Halakha
Monday, November 2
The Future of Sephardi Judaism - Western Sephardim As A Model