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This series of blog posts seeks to discuss, if only preliminarily, the journey of ba’alei teshuvah (loosely defined as those who were not raised in a home of halakhic observance but chose this way of life at some point) and their place within…
The mark of maturity is the ability to disagree with others respectfully; to be able to appreciate the integrity and sincerity of an argument even as you may fundamentally disagree with it. This is easier said than done, and it is truly the rare…
Mark Steyn put it quite simply in America Alone: “Experts talk about root causes. But demography is the most basic root of all.” Prognostications about the future of any country, race or civilization must begin and end with the hard numbers. Is a…
In his groundbreaking book, The Heretical Imperative, Professor Peter Berger argued that modernity—and its emphasis on freedom of choice—has profoundly affected every area of society, religion included. In a world where personal and communal…
Sin gets bad press these days, because it is experienced as a guest that brings a whole slew of unwelcome associates into the house--guilt, bad feeling, punitiveness. These alleged running mates of sin are anathema to most, and so the very ability…
Despite the passage of 100 years, the sinking of the Titanic holds a special fascination. In fact, the only time I’ve gone out to the theatres to see a movie in the last fifteen years was to see the original release of James Cameron’s Titanic. The “…
This program has been accredited by the Law Society for 1 Professionalism Hour.
This program has been accredited by the Law Society for 1 New Member CPD Hour
Gil TroyThe demonizing of Israel, dismissing the democratic Jewish state as a right-wing, religious, racist project, continues. The latest storyline describes ultra-Orthodox Israelis—known in Hebrew as haredim—as medieval Neanderthals rapidly…
From Shakespeare to Freud, Einstein to Eliot - what is the role of play in creative thinking?; and is there a role for play in contemporary Jewish life? We explore how play and desire are essential for a radical Jewish creativity for the 21st…
Monday morning at 1:30AM here in Israel, I joined over one hundred million of my fellow earth dwellers to watch Superbowl XLVI. When halftime rolled around, I imagine there were far fewer of us who left the broadcast and surfed over to the YU Torah…