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Should the Western world forgive African debt?
The mitzvah of tzedakah contains a dual component; helping those in need and instilling in the donor the recognition that wealth is a gift from G-d. Giving money where it is politically correct and…
Providing employment for the needy – and most would be needy if not for their jobs – is considered to be the highest form of “charity” as it enables one to have a sense of dignity and self worth. It should thus be no surprise that firing workers may…
The allegations emanating from the Gomery inquiry implicating the governing Liberal Party of Canada and their friends in a taxpayer funded fundraising scheme are discouraging but not to be unexpected considering the potential monetary gain involved…
The conviction of former Worldcom Inc. chairman Bernard Ebbers on multiple counts of fraud and the like raises the question of executive responsibility for actions of others in the company. Mr. Ebbers defence was that he did not understand the…
“The law of the land is the law”. This fundamental principle of law obligates Jews to be loyal citizens of whatever country they may reside. It is so important that in most circumstances of conflict between Torah and secular law it is secular law…