Embark on a journey of Jewish learning and discovery, exploring the depth of our Neviim resources, where tagged items including audio, programs, and podcast episodes await your exploration.
This ten-part series will take place Tuesdays at 1:00pm Eastern (8:00pm in Israel) from January 18 to to March 29 (no class February 1)
Eliyahu Hanavi... Hatishbi ... The herald of the Messiah, who visits our Seder table, who graces every Bris…
This shiur will take place Wednesday, December 1 at 1:30pm Eastern, 8:30pm in Israel
In this special shiur, we will look at the haftarah for Shabbat Mikketz - when parshat Mikketz is not shabbat Chanukah - in light of perspectives from Jewish…