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Vaera: The Sons of Korach

The initial meeting between Moshe and Pharaoh did not go well. The workload placed on the poor…

Chulin 13: Family Traditions

That one must be Jewish to shecht an animal is not necessarily obvious. One might have…

Chulin 10: Watch the Water

When I mention to people that it is likely worse to smoke than to eat pork, I often get strange…

Chulin 9: Practical Rabbinics

There are few, if any, semicha programs that require their students to learn shechita or…

Chulin7: Pass the Pork

One of the questions I am often asked by those of my students who do not keep kosher, is have you…

Chulin 7: The Idolatrous Snake

Over and over again the Torah warns us not to allow avodah zara, idolatry, in the Land of Israel.…

Chulin 7: Time for Something New

"It was for this reason that man was first created as one person [Adam]…to teach that…

Chulin 5: The Stroke of a Pen

In the fall of 1860, Rav Yaakov Ettlinger penned what is likely the most revolutionary responsa of…

Chulin 4: The Idolatrous Shochet

Chulin 3: Meet the Shochet

That the role of a modern rabbi in the Western World is far different than that of the rabbi of…

Chanukah: A Special Nation

One of the painful realities of Jewish life is that the Jewish people are often judged by a double…

An Introduction and Overview of Masechet Chulin

Masechet Chulin, a derivative of the word chol, translates as “The Secular Tractate…

VaYeshev: Respectfully Declined

“And Yaakov ripped his garments and put sackcloth on his loins, and he mourned for his son…

Menachot 110: A Sweet Smell

“It is said of the olah sacrifice of cattle, ‘rei’ach nichoach, an offering made…

Menachot 99: Loving Mitzvoth

The Sochochover Rebbe, in the introduction to his classic work on the laws of Shabbat, Eglei…

Menachot 99: Let's Break Some Bread

“And you shall place on the table showbread before Me tamid, at all times” (Shemot…

VaYishlach: Alone at Night

“Therefore, the Jewish people will not eat the gid hanasheh, sciatic nerve, that is…

Menachot 99: The Broken Tablets

“At that time, the Lord said to me, ‘Hew for yourself two stone tablets like the first…