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An Introduction to Masechet Keritot

“One should be as careful with a light mitzvah as with heavy mitzvah” (Avot 2:1). …

Eikev: A Long Journey

"According to the days that you spent exploring the land, forty days, a year for a day, you…

Philanthropy Works: We Just Need More of It

Hillel Rapp has identified a serious impediment to solving the tuition crisis—…

Tu BAv: Coming Together

One of the lessons Nehama Leibowitz, z”l, drilled into us during the time I was fortunate to…

VaEtchanan: Learning to Read

Our Torah encompasses all aspects of life: it regulates our existence from the day we are born…

Devarim: Equality for All

With old age comes knowledge of life that can only be gained by experience. Thus, Jewish law…

Temurah 14: Get It in Writing

Night and day reflect polar opposites. The former symbolizes hope and excitement, the latter fear…

Erachin 16: To Rebuke or Not to Rebuke

“How do we know that one who sees something unseemly in his friend, that he must rebuke him?…

Mattot: Split in Half

The centrality of the land of Israel is a basic tenet of Jewish thought. Our Sages note that…

Erachin 16: Where's The Fire!

Which would you prefer? That those who gossip about you do so behind your back and thus, you may…

Erachin 15: To Speak or Not to Speak

“What is lashon hara?” (Erachin 15b). This is a most reasonable question—had…

Balak: Fearless Leadership

Bilaam, the heathen prophet, recognized that the strength of the Jewish people was in their high…

Erachin 15: Money Talks

One would not expect to find the major Talmudic discussion on the laws and moral failings of…

Erachin 4: More Priestly Obligations

In our last post, we began our discussion as to why in so many disparate cases, one might have…

Chukat: Marching On

Judaism is a religion that celebrates life. "Better one hour of repentance and good deeds in…

Musings from Morocco: Lasting Impressions

Visiting Morocco leaves one with both a sense of hope and of despair. The sense of despair…

Musings from Morocco: Shabbat in Marrakech

The city of Marrakech was, for many years, home to the largest Jewish population in Morocco. Today…

Musings from Morocco: Berber Blessings

“Eizo asheer? Hasameach bechelko, Who is wealthy? One who is happy with his lot”.…