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Purim: Time for a Change

Purim marks a transition point in Jewish history. It ushers in the time period of hester panim…

Brachot 55: People Power

Leadership is not for the faint of heart. A leader, by definition, must make decisions that are…

Terumah: Child's Play

Judaism sees the sparks of the Divine within the most mundane of activities. Revelation at Sinai is…

Brachot 48: Pumpkin, Pumpkin Look to the Sky

I imagine that many of us had elementary school classmates whom we knew were going to reach great…

Brachot 43: Learning from Tamar

We have often noted that the Talmud was edited with great precision. A simple example is the…

Brachot 43: Sweet Smells

When one is consumed with hatred, one is liable to act in ways that are out of the norm, to say the…

Mishpatim: Free the Slaves

One of the revolutions that Judaism brought to the world was its attitude towards, and its…

Brachot 31: Channa's Prayer

“Rav Hamnuna said: How many important halakhot can be derived from these verses of…

Brachot 29: The Simple Jew

“Our Sages taught: Shimon Hapekuli arranged the eighteen blessings before Rabban Gamliel…

Yitro: The Essence of Torah

Fulfilling G-d's commandments is the essence of Torah. "If not for my covenant, day…

Brachot 29: The Changing Nature of Prayer

It is hard to think of a mitzvah that has undergone as much change over time as that of prayer.…

Brachot 28: Saving Judaism

It is fair to say that, if not for the leadership of Rav Yochanan ben Zakkai, you would not be…

Beshalach: Dying in the Desert

“And Pharaoh approached...they saw the Egyptians marching at their rear, and the people…

Brachot 28: The Education of Rabban Gamliel

The years following the destruction of the Temple were fraught with great danger and uncertainty.…

Brachot 26: Prayer is Mercy

As we transition from the third to the fourth chapter of masechet Brachot, our focus shifts from…

Bo: Timing is Everything

Judaism places great emphasis on the proper use of time. For serious students there is practically…

Brachot 21: Before and After

Shehechiyanu vekemanu vhegeyanu lazman hazeh. It was when daf yomi last reached Brachot 27…

Brachot 21: What Did I Say

One of the things I love about the Gemara is how realistic and human it is—how it portrays…