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Vayezei: Making One Pray

"And G-d saw that Leah was hated, and He opened her womb" (Breisheet 29:31). Apparently,…

Pesachim 2: Searching for Chametz

“On the eve of the fourteenth, we search for chametz by candlelight” (Pesachim 2a). I…

An Introduction to Masechet Pesachim

The task of editing involves critical decision-making. Beyond questions of language and syntax, an…

Toldot: A Wonderful Sin!

"When Eisav heard his father’s words he let out a most loud and bitter scream" (27:…

Eiruvin 100: Cats and Ants

Imagine if the Torah had not been given. While for many, such a thought is unthinkable—…

Chayei Sarah: Bring Her Home

“Yitzchak then brought her [Rivka] into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he took Rivka as…

Chayei Sarah: In Memory of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l

I had the honour of sharing a few words in honour of Rabbi Sacks zt"l at the moving program…

VaYera: Family Ties

“Take your son, your only son, the one you love, v'lech lecha, and go for yourself to the…

For the Sake of Heaven

I often ask my high school students what they consider the most difficult mitzvah to observe. The…

Lech Lecha: On the Move

Sefer Breisheet might be described as the book of movement. Beginning with the heavenly spheres and…

Noach: From Noach to Avraham

We tend to view Adam as a failure at life, unable to obey his only command from G-d. Noach was…

Eiruvin 65: Time to Laugh

“Rabbi Elai said: A person is recognized through three ways: b’koso, b’kiso…

Eiruvin 65: Davening Less, Learning More

Two of the most fundamental mitzvot are those of prayer and Talmud Torah. Observant Jews pray three…

Breisheet: Guardians of the Garden

"G-d took the man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to work it, l'ovdah, and…

Shmini Atzeret: A Dual Holiday

The Jewish holidays have two distinct themes. The shalosh regalim, three pilgrim festivals of…

Sukkot: Leading by Example

For many years, students were introduced to the study of Talmud with Eilu Metziot, the second…

Eiruvin 53: Curriculum Planning

“One cannot compare one who learns the chapter 100 times to one who learns it 101 times…

Sukkot: A Very Open Sukkah

For seven days a year, one is to “make his home temporary and his Sukkah permanent”.…