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Bamidbar: Names and Numbers

Parshat Bamidbar is, on its surface, little more that names and numbers. The bulk of the parsha…

Yoma 23: Misplaced Priorities

In our last post, we discussed the tragic murder carried out in the Temple by a religious zealot…

Yom Yerushalayim: Where is Jerusalem?

One could quite reasonably make the argument that the overarching goal of the Torah is the…

Yoma 23: The Height of Impurity

Newton’s third law of motion teaches that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction…

Bechukotai: Coming Home

The ability of the Jewish people to see hope when others see despair is perhaps the key to…

Yoma 18: Will You Marry Me

We have often noted the refreshing openness of our Sages. They tell it as it is, and made no…

Emor: The Animal Kingdom

  When one thinks of the most important parts of the Torah one is likely to think of the…

Yoma 9: Sins of Omission

When discussing the gravest of sins—say, for example, the three cardinal sins of murder, adultery…

Kedoshim: Holiness and Happiness

Knowledge is much more than the accumulation of facts. It is the analysis and application of those…

From Pesachim to Yoma

In a rather fortuitous coincidence, the daf yomi cycle concluded masechet Pesachim just a few days…

Tazria: Back to the Beginning

Perhaps there is no parsha less studied than Tazria (and its frequent partner, Metzora).…

Yom Haatzmaut: Stuck in Traffic

A few years ago while on a visit to Israel, my good friend Michael Levenstein z”l, in whose memory…

Shmini: The Sounds of Silence

Modern society often expects people to keep their emotions in check and to avoid displaying them…

Pesach: Egyptian Economic Activity

Moshe Rabbeinu was our teacher par excellence. As a great pedagogue, he understood the importance…

Pesach: Don't Forget Yosef

The eating of karpas has long baffled our commentators. Why exactly do we dip a vegetable…

Pesachim 114: Lets Drink Some Wine

While “only” a rabbinic command, drinking four cups of wine is given special status at…

Vayikra: Time to Reflect

When making reference to biblical verses, we tend to identify them by chapter and verse. This most…

Pesachim 113: Crossing the Line

There is a fine line between matzah and chametz. They are, by definition, made of the same…