"Shamor v’Zachor b’dibur echad". This phrase, sung every Friday night, notes the most famous…
Tisha B'Av: Greetings and Salutations
Judaism places great emphasis on the proper greeting of people. The Talmudic term for a greeting, a…
Devarim: The Beginning of the End
"Eleh Hadevarim, these are the words that Moshe spoke to all of Israel" (Devarim 1:1). In Biblical…
Sukkah 2: Looking Skyward
“A sukkah that is taller than 20 amot, cubits (approximately 30 feet), is invalid; and…
Mattot-Massei: The Journey Continues
The Torah is full of repetition. Whether it is law or narrative, much of the Torah seems to deal…
Yoma 86: Time for a Cheeseburger?
One of the fundamental mitzvot of the Torah, one we acknowledge at least twice a day, is the…
Pirkei Avot: A Broken Transmission
“Moshe received the Torah at Sinai and transmitted it to Yehoshua, Yehoshua to the Elders, and the…
Pinchas: Not Fit for Leadership
“Pinchas, the son of Elazar, the son of Aaron the priest was the one who so zealously took up My…
Balak: Missed Opportunities
What a waste of talent. “No other prophet like Moses has arisen in Israel who knew G-d face to…
Yoma 69: Who is Great
It is hard to imagine Jewish life without davening or brachot. They are amongst the…
Chukat: It's Tough To Be A Leader
People have a natural tendency to avoid talking about death. People "pass away" or are "no longer…
Reflections on a Yahrzeit
The thought below is written in honour my father z”l, Rabbi Joseph Kelman, Rav Chaim Yosef ben…
Korach: Don't Blame Me
What does it take to convince somebody that they are wrong? Humans have an unbelievable ability to…
Pirkei Avot: Let's Start at the Beginning
In our introductory post to Pirkei Avot we wondered why Rebbe, in…
An Introduction to Pirkei Avot
Last year and this, I have had the pleasure of learning and teaching Pirkei Avot. There is no…
Shelach Lecha: Blame Game
Who should get the blame for the meraglim fiasco? Was it the report of the spies, or the…
Behaalotcha: Silence is Golden
After reading through Sefer Breisheet and the sibling rivalry we encounter in generation after…
Yoma 38: The Printing Press
“Talmud Torah k’neged kulam, Torah study equals them all”. And in our tradition, learning equates…