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Shabbat Chol Hamoed: Opposites Attract

Sukkot is a holiday full of contradictions. At the time we celebrate our harvest, we are bidden to…

Yom Kippur: The Day After

“It was on the next day…” (Shemot 18:13). Apparently, something of significance had happened on the…

Yom Kippur: A Great Day!

Our society worships greatness. Whether it be athletes, rock stars, actors or successful business…

Aseret Yemi Teshuva: I Confess

Integral to the teshuva process is the act of vidui, confession. One can intellectually know…

Vayelech: Poetic Licence

"Now, write for yourselves this song and teach it to the Israelites, so that this song will be…

Rosh Hashanah: Early, Late or Just Right

"And on the seventh month on the first day of the month, it shall be a day of rest. It is a sacred…

Nitzavim: Pass the Water

"You are standing this day all of you before the Lord your God: your heads, your tribes,…

Keritot 28: Please Go First

“Rabbi Shimon says: Kevasim, lambs, precede se’irim, goats, in all places…

A Tribute to Rav Binyamin Tabory z"l

The transition from elementary to high school was quite a jarring one. My school day was some two-…

Keritot 28: And All Its Pathways Are Peace

Rav Chaim Soloveitchik, when asked to define the main role of a rabbi, responded that it is to help…

Ki Tavo: Speak Up

One of the key aspects of our being created in the Divine image is the gift of speech. As the world…

Keritot 25: When in Doubt

One brings a korban for one of two reasons: either because one wants to or because one has to. One…

Ki Teitzei: On The Way

Until modern times, travel was viewed as something best avoided. It was slow, uncomfortable, and…

Keritot 13: Under the Influence

In our last post, we discussed the serious prohibition of issuing halachic rulings after having had…

Shoftim: Nothing to Fear

The basic duty of every government is to provide security and protect its citizens from both…

Keritot 13: Let's Not Drink to That

Jewish tradition teaches that we are to celebrate joyous occasions—Shabbat and Yom Tov,…

Keritot 8: The Rabbinic Market

The most basic rule of economics is that of supply and demand. The interaction between these two…

Re'eh: Conflicting Emotions

It is difficult to feel two contradictory emotions at the same time. Conflicting, if not …