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Nitzavim: It's Great to Be a Jew!

One often hears the lament that it is difficult to be a Jew. There are seemingly endless demands…

Sanhedrin 40:Where Were You on Monday at 3:00pm?

"They would cross-examine him with seven questions: in which year of the jubilee, in which…

Sanhedrin 37: The World Was Created for Me

There is nothing more precious than human life. As we discussed in our last post, it is due to the…

Ki Tavo: In the Garden of Eden

"And now, behold, I have brought the first fruits of the land which You have given me" (…

Sanhedrin 37: 1+1=Eternity

One of the most famous and beautiful teachings of Judaism is, “whoever preserves one…

Sanhedrin 37: Back to School

With thousands going back to school today (myself included), parents, teachers and students are…

Sanhedrin 36: The Mean Judge

The conflict between truth and peace dates back at least as far as the creation of the world, with…

Ki Teitzei: What a Story!

A legal brief and a good story are two very different forms of writing. We have even coined a term…

Sanhedrin 29: I Hate that Rabbi

“Based on the words of two or three witnesses shall the matter be established” (…

Sanhedrin 27: I Love to Sin

Over the last few posts (see here and here) we have been discussing those who are…

Sanhedrin 26: Eating Pork at the Food Bank

“Rav Nachman said: Those who eat davar acher, the other, are pasul, invalid to give…

Sanhedrin 25: The Non-Kosher Butcher

Innocent until proven guilty is a fundamental tenet of the our secular legal system. It finds…

Sanhedrin 24: Off to Vegas

"And G-d blessed them and G-d said unto them: Be fruitful and multiply and fill the land…

Sanhedrin 24: Down with Bavel!

We are all products of—and greatly influenced by—our environments, which is why our…

Re'eh: A Special Place

The land of Israel is a special, holy land and thus, all produce grown on it has properties of…

Sanhedrin 22: A Beautiful Font

Malcolm Gladwell, in his best-selling book Outliers, delineates how much of one's success…

Sanhedrin 21: What is the Reason?

I have long thought that far and away the best introduction to and overview of Judaism is the …

Sanhedrin 19: Cemetery Etiquette

One of the areas of law that even otherwise non-observant Jews tend to observe are those relating…