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Bava Batra 88: Watch your Weight

All too often, we equate being a religious Jew with the observance of Shabbat, kashrut and …

Bava Batra 75: Reason to Believe

We live in an age of great skepticism—often for good reason. In a time where science-with its…

Pesach: Hope for the Best

Pesach is the Jewish holiday of hope. It marks the beginning of the Jewish (lunar) year – and new…

Pesach: Now that is Slavery!

Our images of Egyptian slavery are those of forced labor and murder by a ruthless tyrant and his…

Thank You for this Gift

Thank you! The Toronto Jewish community owes a tremendous collective thank you to the Jesin-…

Pesach: A Seder in Sedom

"He made a feast for them and baked matzah and they ate" (Breisheet 19:3). The…

Bava Batra 60: Please Don't Marry Me

The third chapter of Bava Batra is some 30 pages long, making it one of the longest in the Talmud.…

Tzav: It's All in the Heart

Our tradition seems to have a somewhat ambivalent view regarding sacrifices. The Torah devotes many…

Bava Batra 64: 20/20 Vision

It was at the well that Abraham’s servant met Rivka, Yaakov met Rachel and Moshe met Tzippora…

Vayikra: Eat Quickly

Sefer Vayikra serves as the “central” book of the Chumash; on one side flanked by…

Bava Batra 30: Don't Start With Me

If you are going to pick a fight with someone, it’s best to know who your adversary is. There…

Bava Batra 29: My Friend's Friend

Canadian law requires one to keep tax records for six years, after which time they can be destroyed…

Purim: For the People

What should one do when the needs of the Jewish people conflict with the needs of Judaism? When the…

Bava Batra 22: Talmudic Competition

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, posits that it takes 10,000 hours of practice for people to…

Terumah: Returning Home

The prayer for the welfare of the State of Israel recited in many of our congregations assumes that…

Bava Batra 21: The Talmudic Tuition Plan

It is unlikely that Yehoshua ben Gamla would make very many listings of the five or even ten most…

Bava Batra 29: Ode to Rashi

It is hard to imagine what the Jewish world would be like without Rashi. Well, maybe not so hard.…

Bava Batra 14: Make it Beautiful

Every once in a while one comes across a Talmudic story that makes one shake one’s head in…