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Bava Metzia 59: Torah Is Not in Heaven

One of the most famous, powerful and tragic stories in all of Talmudic literature is that of the…

Bava Metzia 58: Verbal Abuse

“Just as there is ona’ah, oppression, regarding commerce, so too there is ona’ah…

Bava Metzia 55: What is a Penny Worth?

There is not too much one can do with a penny; so little, in fact, that the Canadian government…

Bava Metzia 49: What Did You Say it Cost?

“Ona’ah is four silver maot in twenty-four…1/6th of the price” (Bava…

Bava Metzia 49: Let's Not Make a Deal

The Ramban, in perhaps his most famous biblical comment, notes that one can observe every law in…

Bava Metzia 42: Where is My Money?

In our last post we discussed the responsibilities of a shomer entrusted to guard produce. The…

Bava Metzia 40: I Love My Fruit

“Milveh lhotzah nitna”, money is loaned to be spent (Kiddushin 47a). When one loans…

Bava Metzia 37: What Does the Cheater Lose?

It is a beautiful character trait to be trusting of others. It is also, all too often, foolhardy.…

Bava Metzia 35: Making a Quick Dollar

The difference between a smart businessperson and an ethically challenged one can be fine indeed -…

Bava Metzia 33: 40 Long Years

One of the beautiful things about studying Gemara is delighting in how it seamlessly flows from one…

Bava Metzia 33: You Go First

There are few mitzvoth of greater importance than kibud av veim. This is so well-known and obvious…

Noach: What is Your Name?

"And Lemech called him Noach saying, this one will bring us relief, yenachmeinu, …

Bava Metzia 32: Helping the Enemy

“G-d is good to all and His mercy is upon all His creations” (Tehillim 145:9). If G-d…

Bava Metzia 30: The Straight Law

The Torah demands we do much to help others. However, while we may have to love others like…

Bava Metzia 28: Lost and Found

“Until when must he declare the lost object? Until his neighbours know about it, these are…

Breisheet: Let Us Make Man

The belief in one G-d is perhaps the most fundamental teaching of Judaism. Thousands have died…

Bava Metzia 21: Intro to Talmud

I, probably like many of you began my formal study of Talmud learning Eilu Metziot, the second…

Shabbat Chol HaMoed: Let's Skip This Year

"Keep the harvest festival as the year changes" (Shemot 34:22). This (half) verse is the…