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A Perfect Ten: Bava Kamma 82

“Rav Yossi said: It would have been proper for the Torah to be given by Ezra had Moshe not…

Eikev: Lots of Love

The Talmud declares that wisdom depends on the ability to make distinctions. It is for this reason…

Only One Chance: Bava Kamma 80

When opportunity knocks, answer – you may not get a second chance. Or to quote the language…

Baa Baa Black Sheep: Bava Kamma 80

Man and G-d: Bava Kamma 79

  “The disciples of Rav Yochanan ben Zakkai asked him ‘why was the Torah…

VaEtchanan: World Leaders

Attempts to understand the rationale behind the mitzvoth of the Torah have generated much debate…

Talking too Much: Bava Kamma 72

  “Al pi [1], according to the testimony of two or three shall something be…

Tisha B'Av: Doing Nothing

"Because of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza Jerusalem was destroyed.” (Gitin 55b) So begins the most famous…

Devarim: Nation Building

“Eicha esa, how can I alone carry your contentiousness, your burdens and your quarrels?” (Devarim…

It's Almost Chanukah: Bava Kamma 62b

While there are 613 categories of mitzvoth they are not all created equal. Saving a life is more…

Fire! Bava Kamma 62

  One of the greatest causes of damage to public property is that of fire. Forest fires…

Reflections from Frankfurt, Germany

  Often when we think of Frankfurt we think of Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch. And for good…

Pinchas: New Leadership

The illustrious "career" of Moshe Rabbeinu is coming to an end. G-d has told him that he will not…

Reflections from Worms, Germany

Moving along the Rhine from Mainz one arrives in Worms. Along with Mainz and Speyer Worms is one of…

Balak: Animal Rights, Human Wrongs

"The pre-eminence of man over beast is non-existent, for all is vain" (Shacharit). Man has…

Musings from Mainz, Germany

  Askenazic Jewry begins as Jews settle along the Rhine river in the middle decades of the…

Reflections from Germany - Part 3

  In our last post I discussed our meeting three of the communal rabbis of…

Some More Reflections from Berlin Germany

Of the approximately 520,000 Jews living in Germany in 1933 over 300,000 emigrated before the war.…