Practice what you preach is always sound advice, especially if one hopes to have any influence on…
I Don't Know: Kiddushin 25
"More than the calf wants to suck, the cow wants to give milk.…
Tazria: Back to the Beginning
Perhaps there is no parshaless studied than Tazria (and its often partner Metzora).…
Where is it Written: Kiddushin 24
One of the best-known "facts" about the Torah is that it contains 613 mitzvoth.…
He's My Master: Kiddushin 20
"From here it was said: Whoever acquires a Hebrew slave is as if they acquired a…
A Second Marriage: Kiddushin 13
One of the sacred and most enjoyable aspects of the rabbinate is being amesader kiddushin, …
Shushan Purim: From Purim to Pesach
“When Adar enters, we increase our joy” (Taanit 29a). Presumably, the increased joy is due to the…
Purim: One Is More Than Many
"It was contemptible in his eyes to harm Mordechai alone; for they identified for him the people of…
Wordplay:Kiddushin 2
One of the "new" approaches to Tanach study today is the use of literary tools and…
Some Concluding Thoughts on Masechet Gittin
After 90 double-sided pages, Masechet Gittin is coming to a close. We have discussed in…
What's in a Name: Gittin 87
We as a society identify people by their last name (or sadly, even if understandably, by a…
Adar Sheni: Two Redemptions
Imagine if every few years the Gregorian calendar had two Decembers. When would people shop?…
Living Together: Gittin 81
There are certain rabbinic debates where one can only say thank G-d that we do not follow a certain…
Vayakhel: Voluntary Obligations
How important is intent in the performance of mitzvoth? Is it enough to mechanically perform the…
Who is Wise?: Gittin 67
As a teacher one of my favorite parts of my work is parent teacher meetings. I (usually) find it…
Ki Tisa: Mountain Climbing
“Why should Egypt be able to say that You took them out with evil intentions, to kill them in…
The First Aliyah: Gittin 59
"These are the things that are said mipnei darchei shalom." (Gittin 59)…
A Peace of Torah: Gittin 59
Perhaps the most famous Talmudic story is that of the convert who wants to learn the…