Just this week an Ontario Court ruled that a 19 year old convicted of first degree murder of a…
What a Beginning: Sotah 14
What a Beginning!: Sotah 14 “Rav Simlai expounded: The Torah begins…
Sotah 14: Where is Moshe Buried?
As we end the first chapter of masechet Sotah (and as discussed in our
Sotah 12: The Heroics of Miriam
"In the measure that a person measures so it is measured to him. She [the sotah…
The Potential Rewards of Sin (Sotah 7b)
Our Sages were great realists. They understood the complexities of the human condition…
Chayei Sarah: Mourning for Mother
"And Abraham said to his servant of the household. I bind you by an oath that you will not…
Home Alone? (Sotah 7)
The Mishna is almost exclusively a legal code and like all codes displays little 'emotion'…
Adultery and Washing One's Hands (Sotah 4)
Jewish law and thought covers all aspects of life and that means nothing is beyond the purview of…
You Get What You Deserve (Sotah 2)
The opening lines of a book are meant to set the tone of the book - providing background,…
The 5% Tuition Solution
With the busy Yom Tov season, I would not be surprised if many missed what is…
Noach: The Greatness of Terach
“And Arpachshad lived five and thirty years, and begot Shelah. And Arpachshad lived after he…
V'zot HaBracha: It Too is a Blessing
In one of the great mistakes in history, Alfred Nobel was lucky enough to read his own obituary…
Sukkot: From Eisav to Shmitta
"And you shall dwell in sukkot for seven days, all citizens of Israel shall dwell in a sukkah so…