While it may sound unromantic, marriage partners are chosen, more often than we might like to admit…
Ketubot 62: Time Together
Finding the proper balance between work and family is a challenge that man has been dealing with…
Pesach: Looking Forward
There is something most beautiful about a holiday that celebrates our past being focused on future…
Pesach: Pass the Karpas
"Therefore, in every generation, one must see themselves as if they have left Egypt”. All too…
Ketubot 50: Practice Practice Practice
One of the most difficult, yet vital, tasks as we learn, is allotting enough time and effort for…
Tzav: Please Take Out the Garbage
One of the ideological revolutions of the Zionist movement was the notion of the inherent value of…
Ketubot 49: Family Support
The increasing age for marriage coupled with the high cost of housing has led to a…
Ketubot 47: The New Family
Our conception of the family unit has undergone revolutionary changes in the last few years.
Vayikra-HaChodesh: Welcome Home
This week the focus of the Torah reading shifts from the construction of the Mishkan to the …
Ketubot 33: Worse than Death!
"One should be as careful with a light mitzvah as with a heavy mitzvah" (Pirkei Avot 2:1…
Ketubot 30: In the Hands of Heaven
Malcolm Gladwell, in his bestselling book Outliers, demonstrates how so much of our…
Ketubot 28: Kids Talk
In our last post we discussed the fickleness of memory and how and when one may…
Shushan Purim: One People, Two Holidays
“Kol Yisrael Areivim zeh lazeh”, all Jews are guarantors for one another. While we may…
Ketubot 20: Keeping Memories Alive
Our memories are notoriously fickle and even untrustworthy. Yet we have little choice but to rely…
Mishpatim: Say What You Mean
Modern man loves his freedom. No one is going to tell him how to act. This is why giving criticism…
Ketubot 19: Dying for Lying
It is well known that a Jew must give up his or her life only if asked, or ordered, to violate one…
Ketubot 11: It's Great to Be a Jew
A legal system is much more than a collection of laws. It signifies the values a society holds dear…