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Yevamot 88: One Equals Two

"A woman whose husband went overseas, and one[1] came and told her, 'Your…

Yevamot 87: The Ways of Peace

"G-d did not find a vessel more pleasing for the Jewish people than peace" (Uktzin 3…

The Fast of the Eighth of Tevet: Lost in Translation

"I recall with distress that which befell me; with three blows He struck me this month...He…

Yevamot 89: The Top Three

"Three signs are there for this nation: they are rachmanim, merciful; bayshanim…

Vayigash: Family Feud

"Your servant, our father, said to us: You know that my wife bore to me two sons" (44:27…

Mai Chanukah

"Mai Chanukah? What is Chanukah?" (Shabbat 21b). To this rather strange question, the Gemara…

Yevamot 69: The Sweet Taste of Shmitta

One of the key distinctions between the land of Israel and the Diaspora is the ability to observe…

VaYeshev: The Sounds of Silence

It takes much thought and hard work to learn when to speak up and when to remain silent. Often…

Yevamot 65: Childless Isn't Barren

One of the famous concepts of Jewish law is the exemption of women from time-bound positive…

Yevamot 63: I Want Pea Soup

"The signature of G-d is truth" (Sanhedrin 64a). "Accept the truth from wherever it…

Yevamot 63: Why Have Children?

"And G-d blessed them; and G-d said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish…

Why Can't We Marry? Yevamot 59

To Western man the notion that one must marry somebody in specific or even that restrictions be…

Yevamot 52: Living With Your In-Laws

“Rav ordered that lashes be given to any person who betrothed by cohabitation, who betrothed…

Yevamot 52: Preparing for Marriage

Masechet Kiddushin opens by delineating the three methods by which one is mekadesh, betroths,…

Yevamot 49: An Exceptional People

"Shimon ben Azzai said: I found a scroll of genealogy, and it was written, 'So-and-so…

Yevamot 47: Judaism 101

"A convert who comes to convert bizman hazeh, nowadays...we inform him of the importance…

Toldot: Pray for Others

“Rabbi Yitzchak said: ‘Yitzchak our forefather was barren, as it is written ‘and…

Yevamot 44: The Practice of Law

  Halacha, Jewish law, has a multiplicity of voices, each reflecting the word of the living…