At first glance one would not expect a Talmudic discussion on the mitzva of bikkur cholim…
Nedarim 37: Benefiting From Torah
Over the past generation - primarily in Israel but also to a lesser extent in the Diaspora - there…
Mattot: Moshe and Midian
"G-d spoke to Moses, saying: Take revenge for the Israelites against the Midianites. …
Thoughts from Poland: Part 5
The Ramah, Rav Moshe Isserles, is probably the most famous and important figure to have lived in…
Thoughts from Poland: Shabbat in Krakow
Shabbat in Krakow. A city of glory, like almost no other in Jewish history. The Jewish quarter…
Poland Thoughts: Part Three
For Jews, Poland was as close to Gan Eden in exile as one could get. It was referred to by Jews as…
Some Thoughts from Poland
"Eino domeh shmiah l'rei'ah, one cannot compare hearing to seeing". I…
The Three Weeks: Through the Eyes of a Child
With the destruction of the Temple and the Babylonian exile, the period of prophecy came to an end…
Balak: The Lion King
It is for good reason that the lion is the king of the jungle. Powerful, courageous, fearless…
A Family Cap
Summer is the time for vacation, especially for students who look forward to such activities…
Nedarim 28: The Murderer and the Tax Collector
Dina demalchuta Dina, the law of the land is the law, is one of the most famous teachings of Jewish…
Nedarim 31: Look Who Loves Shabbat
The Mishna Berura - the most widely used halachic code of the 20th century - in his…
Nedarim 22: A Much Smaller Book
Imagine if instead of twenty-four books the Tanach consisted of only six. Strange as it…
Chukat: Dor Holech vDor Bah
It is in Parshat Chukat that we meet the second generation of the Jewish nation, the one that would…
Nedarim 21: It's Just Talk
The 1960's sitcom Get Smart[1] had as one of its heroes Hymie the robot.
Korach: Choose Wisely
This week's d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of my father Rabbi Joseph Kelman z…