“Vekatav lah sefer krietoot”, and he shall write for her a book of…
Terumah: A Lighter Load
The story is told that when the students of Rav Yisrael Salanter were preparing to bake matzah,…
What is Life Worth?: Gittin 45
In the first row of the remarkably preserved Jewish cemetery in Worms (one we will please…
Mishpatim: Talking Points
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me". This popular…
Changing My Mind: Gittin 41
One of the marks of a great person is the ability to change one’s mind. While such may end…
Yitro: A Joint Project
What kind of book is the Torah and who is it meant for? Rashi begins his commentary to…
Making the Pruzbul Work: Gittin 36
One of the most famous rabbinic enactments is that of the pruzbul, enacted by the…
Beshalach: Saving Our Enemies
When Moshe and Aharon first approached the Jewish people in Egypt, “the people believed;…
Estate Planning:Gittin 35
Two of the groups of people to whom we must show the greatest consideration are the widow…
Living in Sin: Gittin 33
"Initially one would establish a court in another place and nullify [the get].
Bo: A Short 430 years
The devar Torah is sponsored by Caron and Steven Gelles and Family in memory of their Grandparents…
A Love-Hate Relationship: Gittin 23
The commandment to love and care for others, perhaps the most important in the entire Torah, while…
Points for Penmanship: Gittin 22
One of the primary requirements of a get is that it be written lishma, …
The Syrian Refugees and The Giving Pledge
As Canada begins welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees, it behooves us to think of the flourishing…
I Married My Niece: Gittin 17
Timing is everything. Not only is picking the right time to do something crucial but recording that…
Shemot: It's All In The Name
I imagine most of us have experienced being in a noisy room focusing on the conversation we are…
A Line in the Parchment:Gittin 6
How does one measure greatness in Torah learning? We can glean an important insight from the…