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Behar: Legal Loopholes

Legal loopholes are a mainstay of the legal profession. People are often frustrated when…

What a Story: Kiddushin 66

  One of the fascinating, exciting even suspenseful aspects of learning Gemara is how a…

I Don't Know You: Kiddushin 65

In our last post we discussed the unusual situation, to say the least, of a father or…

Who Did I Marry?: Kiddushin 63

  You have to wonder sometimes about the strange relationships between parents and children…

Come Work for Me: Kiddushin 59

A poor person who is examining a piece a cake and another comes and takes it from him is called…

Let Him Have It: Kiddushin 59

If you are going to have someone do work for you it's probably best to ensure they have your…

Becoming a Tzadik: Kiddushin 49

"The signature of G-d is truth." (Shabbat 55b) As beings created in the image of G-d we…

Yom Ha'atzmaut 68

“In every generation one must see himself as if he had left Egypt.” Pesach may seem like a…

Loans and Grants

I write these words from Israel on the eve of Yom Hazikaron, the saddest day of the year as we…

Delegate It Yourself: Kiddushin 41

"If you want something done right do it yourself" is a nice idea in theory but one with…

Good Habits: Kiddushin 40

We are creatures of habit. We tend to do what we have done in the past, which is why it is so…

This or the Other: Kiddushin 39

There is no more tragic figure in Talmudic literature than that of Acher, the Other. Destined for…

Pesach: Old Questions, New Answers

“Chanoch lena’ar al pi darcho, train each child according to their way” (Mishlei).

Pesach: The Wise and Wicked

The Seder night brings together Jews from all orientations and perspectives. The future redemption…

A Strange Song: Kiddushin 31

In our last post we discussed the extraordinary efforts to which Dama ben Netinah went to…

Let Your Parents Sleep: Kiddushin 31

  There are few mitzvoth more important than that of kivud av veim, honouring parents…

Shabbat Hagadol: Redemption is Near?

Historians and sociologists have long debated whether it is historical trends that determine the…

Pass the Pepper: Kiddushin 30

Our evil inclination is most powerful and capable of causing so much harm.